Thursday 28 November 2013


NIGHT VISION: BLACK FEMA VANS: God is really pressing me today to post another night vision. I saw people that I know personally being escorted to black vans. They had shackles and chains around their neck and hands. Also I saw gangs after the Rapture going from house to house in my neighborhood breaking into houses. When they got to my house, a. family member came to my home to see if myself and my husband were still here. We had been taken in the rapture. While they were in my house, gangs dressed in black trousers and white T-Shirts had some kind of laser gun and they fired it and severed the head of the person in my home. I have security doors and bars on my house, and the gangs had all kinds of tools and a welder to break through the bsrs. I saw these same gang members at other neighbors houses down the street. They also wore black combat boots. They started marching down the street. One of the young men that I have seen who is presently a leader and member of a gang was the leader. I also saw black Jeep Hummers patrolling my neighborhood and someone sitting in them. I also saw foreign troops holding people at gunpoint in a town. They were dressed in a two piece military uniform with double breasted white buttons. They wore white helmets, and they carried rifles with beanettes at the end. I also saw these same foreign troops coming down the side of a mountain tracking and hunting down Christians like animals. There was a Christian camp nearby a huge lake and there was a huge campfire burning. But the Christian camp was deserted. They found out that the foreign military was coming and they were able escape. I also saw hundreds of Christians running into the woods and the military was chasing them. I saw people running out of the back door of a house into the woods. They were running from the military. I heard the squeaking of the door as they pushed it open. I heard the door slam. They ran into the woods and got away.I also saw two women running for their lives. They came to a mall which had manicans out front. The two women stood by the manicans like still life to escape the military. Then I saw the sky filled with meteriotes hurting to the earth. I saw my home and my neighbors home destroyed by the asteroids. Every home in this neighborhood was destroyed. I saw asteroids falling in the middle east in a small town.I saw a huge tidal wave about 500 to 1000 feet high coming down on a costal city. The city was already flooded. I could hear the sound of the water as it rushed towards the city. I saw a a Tsunami rushing into another city. I saw people running for shelter. I saw people who were left behind after the rapture discussing it with other people. People I use to work with. I saw a man and a woman in a corn field, and she was sitting in a chair with a basket of corn sitting next to her. The man was standing next to her. He wore a straw hat. Blue Jean overalls and a red and white plaid shirt and he was smoking a pipe, when all of a sudden the rapture happened, and the woman was taken, I saw her body change and she jetted off into the sky like a rocket . I heard the sound of a rocket. So intense. It all seemed so real. The tribulation hour is hitting us all right in the face. All of the signs of the times unfolding now is indicating this. Christians during this time will not be able to lead normal lives during this time in history. To sum it up, the tribulation period will be hell on this earth. End time watchman, man your posts and sound the alarm. Warn the masses. Remember, Amos 3:7 God always warn the nations before any judgment falls.

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